
Dairy Free Scones


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In the nineteenth century ‘afternoon tea’ became fashionable in England. The real devotees even changed into long dresses, gloves and hats. Enjoy these scones, a tea time classic. Hats optional.


Prep Time: 60 minutes



170ml Rude Health Almond Drink + extra to brush on the scones

380g all-purpose flour

1 tbsp baking powder

3 tbsp coconut blossom sugar

100g plant-based butter

200g coconut milk, full fat

2 tbsp vanilla sugar

3 tbsp strawberry jam




Step 1.

Preheat the oven to 200 °C and line the oven tray with baking paper.


Step 2.

Put the Almond Drink with the flour, baking powder, sugar and butter in a bowl. Mix till you get a smooth dough.


Step 3.

Lightly dust your surface with flour and gently roll out the scone dough until 3cm think. Let it chill for 30 minutes.


Step 4.

Cut out round scones. Lay on the baking paper. Brush the extra milk on top of the scones.


Step 5.

Bake the scones for 20 minutes until golden brown.


Step 6.

Whisk the coconut milk with the vanilla sugar till airy.


Step 7.

Serve the scones with the airy coconut milk and strawberry jam.



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